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星島日報網頁- www.singtao.com
www.singtao.com/ - 67k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁

About the Tao - Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching
About the Tao, Lao Tzu and yin and yang. Includes Tao Te Ching translation, illustrated explanation, history, and Chinese cultural notes, screen saver, theme and wallpaper.
www.singtaousa.com/ - 2k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁

TAO.org :: Center of Traditional Taoist Studies
Taoist temple dedicated to enlightenment and spirituality using Lao Tzu principles of Taoism.Includes philosophy and religion of the Tao, martial arts, Chi Quong and meditation.

新聞與媒體 報紙

星島日報 http://www.singtao.com/

大公報 http://www.takungpao.com/

明報 http://www.mingpaonews.com/

東方日報 http://www.orientaldaily.com.hk/

成報 http://www.singpao.com/

文匯報 http://www.wenweipo.com/
香港之綜合性報紙,每天報導香港、世界及內地的時事新聞及相關的評論 。

香港商報 http://www.hkcd.com.hk/

太陽報 http://www.the-sun.com.hk/

蘋果日報 http://www.atnext.com/new/index.cfm
日報、新聞、娛樂、財經、生活資訊及體育等 。

頭條日報 http://www.hkheadline.com/

快線周報 http://www.expresspost.com.hk/

都市日報 http://www.metrohk.com.hk/chinese.phtml

新報 http://www.hkdailynews.net/

am730 http://www.am730.com.hk/

觀察星報 http://www.starnews.com.hk/

都市日報新聞精讀計劃 http://www.readmetro.com.hk/school_program/

Taoism Information Page http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/taoism/ttc-list.htm
Several on-line translations of the classic of the way.

Headless Tao http://www.geocities.com/~jimclatfelter/jimztao.html
A simple poetic interpretation by Jim Clatfelter.

Chad Hansen's Tao Te Ching http://www.hku.hk/philodep/courses/EWEthics/ttc.htm
Chad Hansen's translation of the Tao Te Ching

Stan Rosenthal's Tao Teh Ching http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/taoism/ttcstan2.htm
Introduction and translation by Rosenthal.

Laozi http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/laozi/
An article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Alan Chan of the National University of Singapore on the Dao De Jing: it's origins, various ancient texts and commentaries.

Tao Te Ching http://www.beatrice.com/TAO.html
A modern, humorous and loosely phrased translation by Ron Hogan.

Comments on the Tao Te Ching http://www.friesian.com/taote.htm
Translational information and comparison, based on D. C. Lau's translation.

Daosim Depot http://www.edepot.com/taotext.html
Over a dozen different translations.

Zhongwen http://zhongwen.com/dao.htm
Rick Harbaugh's Chinese text of the Tao Te Ching, hyperlinked to definitions of Chinese characters and to an English translation.

Librarian's Lao-Tzu http://www.geocities.com/onelibrarian.geo/lao_tzu.html
"The Book of the Library and Its Ways" is a humorous interpolation from the viewpoint of a librarian by Andy Barnett.

Crowley's Tao Teh King http://deoxy.org/taowley.htm
Translation and personal introduction by Aleister Crowley.

Tao Te Ching http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/taote-v3.html
Translation by Steven Mitchell.

Tao Te Ching: Classics of Integrity and the Way http://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/taote.htm
James Legge's version.

Dao De Jing - Tao Te Ching http://oaks.nvg.org/re3ra3.html
Interpolation by Tormod Kinnes, based on the English versions of Lin Yutang, Arthur Waley and Wing-tsit Chan.

Exploring Ancient World Cultures http://eawc.evansville.edu/essays/carson.htm
Reflections on the Tao Te Ching, an essay by Mike Carson.

Way and Power Book http://www.san.beck.org/Laotzu.html
By Sanderson Beck, as included in the Wisdom Bible.

Daoism in Brief: Laozi and the Dao De Jing http://www.his.com/~merkin/daoBrief.html
Personal opinions on the text and its author by Maury R. Merkin.

Laozi Debate http://www.archaeology.org/9811/newsbriefs/laozi.html
A 1998 article in Archeology magazine by Spencer P.M. Harrington on the discovery of the Guodian text of the Dao De Jing.

About the Tao http://www.thetao.info
Translations and commentaries on some chapters including Chinese characters for each.
Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching (100+ translations...) http://www.bopsecrets.org/gateway/passages/tao-te-ching.htm
100+ translations of chapter 1.

Terebess Asia Online http://terebess.hu/english/tao.html
Over 30 translations, including some well-known authors and some new ones.

Pathless path, nameless name http://www.logoi.com/notes/laozi.html
A brief look at translation difficulties with the Dao De Jing.

Heidegger and the Tao Te Ching http://www.ferrum.edu/philosophy/taoteheid.htm
A Brief Comparison of Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time" with Peter Merel's translation by David York.

Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse http://home.pages.at/onkellotus/
91 translations in many different languages, including 35 in English.

Laozi Daodejing http://home.debitel.net/user/wulf.dieterich/index.html
English and German translations featuring Chinese text as GIFs. Each character is linked to a dictionary and includes Seal Script characters.

Laozi (Lao Tzu) http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/laozi.html
Commentaries on the Dao De Jing by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping, including translations of some chapters.

Hermetica.info http://www.hermetica.info/
An archive of texts translated by Bradford Hatcher.

Tao Te Ching http://tuffley.hispeed.com/tao/
Translation and commentary by an unknown author, compiled by David Tuffey. Chapters are sorted by topic. Provides a downloadable version.

Tao Te Ching - Tattered Tree Trunk https://members.tripod.com/~ladsoft/ttc/
Translation by David Lindauer.

The Tao and the Te http://members.ozemail.com.au/~ddiamond/intao.html
"Fundamentals of Taoism and Mind in General" explores the connection of the Tao Te Ching to neurological patterns in the brain, by C. J. Lofting.

Tao Te Ching Interpreted Succinctly http://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs00s/taote1.php
Based on a translation by Ursula Le Guin, Anthony Judge presents one-line synopses for each chapter. Site also contains extensive commentaries.

The Authorship of the Tao Te Ching http://www.idiocentrism.com/china.author.htm
John J. Emerson explores the possibilities of authorship based on the theories of other philosophers of the time as well as historical events.

The Way of the Universe http://soli.com/dao1.htm
Translated by John Louis Albert Trottier.

Dao De Jing - The Way and its Power http://afpc.asso.fr/wengu/wg/wengu.php? l=Daodejing#a3
Chinese text based on the Wang Bi version. English: Arthur Waley and D. C. Lau. French: Stanislas Julien. German: Richard Wilhelm.

Daozang http://www.daozang.com/daodejing.html
Transcription of Siji Tzu's oral rendition to his students.

Dao Is Open http://www.daoisopen.com/LaozisDaoDeJing.html
Translations with commentaries by Nina Correa. Site also includes the Seal Script characters used in the Guodian Laozi with English definitions, and a Taoist discussion forum.

Tau Teh Ching http://www.wayist.org/ttc%20compared/indexchp.htm
Line by line comparisons of 24 translations of the Tao Te Ching.

New Equations Tao Te Ching http://www.newequations.com/taoteching.html
By Alan Sheets and Barbara Tovey, who have grouped the chapters into nine personality types.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching http://www.tonykline.co.uk/PITBR/Chinese/TaoTeChing.htm
Translation by A. S. Kline.

Welcome The Tao Te Ching http://www.bookmice.net/darkchilde/spirit/tao.html
A work in progress by Darkchilde, including commentaries on various English translations.

The Tao Te Ching http://www.actus.org/laotzu.html
Using the Feng/English version, Masahito Koishikawa compares chapters of the Tao Te Ching with passages from the Bible.

The Tao of Systems http://www.newciv.org/ISSS_Primer/asem02yl.html
"Ancient Systems Thinking in China and Its Application in Chinese Life" by Yi Lin. An essay on scientific applications of the Tao Te Ching to the systematic wholeness of life.

The Cow Te Ching (The Cow and its Characteristics) http://www.theabsolute.net/minefield/cowching.html
Tongue-in-cheek interpretation by Kevin Solway & David Quinn. Fun for a laugh.

The Theosophy of the Tao Te Ching http://www.theosophical.org/theosophy/questmagazine/marapr2001/brooks/
An article written for Quest Magazine in which Richard W. Brooks comments on particular sections of various translations.

Light of Isis http://www.lightofisis.com/Home%20Page%20Files/dao.htm
by Isis with a metaphysical slant.

The Tao Te Ching - A new, modernized, translation http://www.netfunny.com/rhf/jokes/92q2/taote.html
Sorensen's humorous transliteration which encorporates computer-ese, based loosely on the English translation by Steven Mitchell.

Tao Te Ching - A new Translation by Akrishi http://hk.geocities.com/akrishi0/taotehch/tao.htm
Contains an English translation as well as Chinese characters for each chapter.

Tao Te Ching: Classics of Integrity and the Way http://my.pclink.com/~allchin/tao/contents.htm
A rendition by Douglas Allchin including photographs for each chapter.

Peter Merel's Tao Teh Ching http://www.mindmatters.no/tao/merel/default.htm
Peter Merel's Interpolation of the Tao Te Ching

The Flow and Power of Good http://www.kisa.ca/daodejing.html
The first 10 chapters translated and adapted by Sonja Elen Kisa.

Tao Te Ching http://www.utdallas.edu/~edsha/tao1.html
Translation with some commentary by Dr. Edwin Sha from the perspective of a Buddhist.

Tao Te Ching http://www.nomad.mcmail.com/tao/index.htm
by Andre Gauthier with images by Penny Downes.

Tao & My Music http://www.post1.com/home/chinablue/Taoandmymusic.html
Mark Chan comments on sections of the Tao Te Ching from a musician's perspective.

TrueTao.org / Taoism.net http://taoism.net/enter.htm
A work in progress: translations with commentaries by Derek Lin.

Tao Te Ching (TAO), The Simple Way of Lao Tzu http://www.wingchun.dk/library/laotzu/tao.te.ching.aspx
Translation offered by a Wing Chun Kuen group in Denmark, it is based on the 1924 publication by The Shrine of Wisdom.

Daoist Reflections http://community-2.webtv.net/DaoistReflections/
Sister Nona (a Daoist Nun) uses the Dao De Jing & the elements of Liu I-ming's explication thereof, to create courses in spiritual and ethical development.

Taoism Information Page http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/taoism/
Taoist sources and knowledge, other chinese philosophy links.

Taoism Depot (Daoism Depot) http://www.edepot.com/taoism.html
Taoist site for beginners and practicianers alike. A collection of Tao Te Ching translations and a discussion forum for those interested in the subject.

Chad Hansen's Chinese Philosophy Page (Taoist Interpretations) http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/
This site contains segments of an extended interpretive theory of Classical Chinese philosophy that takes Taoism as the philosophical center. The interpretive theory turns on a new, more philosophical reading of the Taoist philosopher Zhuangzi (ChuangTzu).

The Abode of the Eternal Tao http://www.abodetao.com/
A collection of information on contemporary Taoism.

Taoism and the Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Taichi/taoism.html
A summary of the growth of Taoism and information on deities and major figures in both religious and philosophical Taoism.

Taoism - Beliefnet.com http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10037.html
Multifaith website, providing information, articles, and other interactive resources. Includes basic information, audio clips, and discussion topics.

Taoism -Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/taoism/
Taoism, one of the two great religious/philosophical systems of China, defined.

Taoist Culture and Information Centre http://www.eng.taoism.org.hk/
Taoist philosophy, current events, culture and religion.

Taoism at religioustolerance. http://www.religioustolerance.org/taoism.htm
Includes an overview of Taoism and its history.
Taoist Restoration Society http://www.taorestore.org/
Nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring and preserving China's Taoist heritage. Resources on practical Taoist living in the modern world. Discussion boards.

Center of Traditional Taoist Studies http://www.tao.org/
Site dedicated to practical application of Taoism.

Healing Tao USA Site http://www.healingtaousa.com/
Healing Tao USA is a private Educational Trust. It operates Healing Tao University and the HealingTaoUSA.com website and fulfillment center that sells a wide variety of Tao products.

Taoism: The Temple of the Immortal Spirit http://www.thetemple.com/
Features translations, resources, and general information. (slightly graphics heavy)

Western Reform Taoist Congregation http://wrt.org/
Western Reform Taoism movement in America.

Panlatrevo http://www.panlatrevo.com/
Religious philosophy resources and discussions on religion, spirituality, atheism and freethought. Centers on Taoist philosophy.

Daoist Philosophy http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/Daoindex.html
Various Taoist thoughts and philosophical discussion.
Taoism and the Arts of China http://www.artic.edu/taoism/menu.php
Art Institute of Chicago presents Taoism, history, and related historical works.

Taoism Initiation Page http://www.taopage.org/
Online teachings about Taoism, and related concepts such as yin-yang, ziran, wu-wei and the I-ching.

The Spirit of Zeros and Ones http://www.zeeone.com/
Dedicated to the natural world, contains randomized poetry and essays all in the spirit of the philosophy of Taoism and the I Ching.

Siu Tao http://english.siutao.com/
Exploring the Tao. Includes both philosophical and religious Taoism as well as a discussion forum.

The Spiral Vortex http://www.avellunau.com/Taoism/
Gives and introduction to Taoist philosophy.

MSB Academy: Taoism http://www.flowinghands.com/mbs_htm/mbs.taoism.htm
The natural is the essence of all that must be known, and the place where all must return.

Taoism for Teens https://www.angelfire.com/wa/tao4teens/
How Taoism can help you live a happier teenage life, and continue the happiness throughout your life.

The Daoism-Taoism Philosophy http://www.daoism.net/
The Taoism Philosophy is the Tao (Way) of Lao Tzu professed in his only book which is commonly known as Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)

Taoism and the Taoist Arts http://www.taoistarts.net
A general introduction to Taoism and related arts, such as T'ai Chi, Meditation, Martial Arts and Herbalism.

Center for Daoist Studies http://www.daoistcenter.org/
Mission statement, reading list, handbooks, articles, and links.

Universal Society of the Integral Way (USIW) http://www.usiw.org/
Seminars and books on Taoist internal arts and qigong. Regional Teaching Centers list. Hua-Ching Ni, founder.

Taoism- Serenity Found http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/3200/intro.html
Taoist thoughts and reflections on life.

True Tao Home Page http://www.truetao.org/
I-Kuan Tao in English, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and other great philosophers, monthly columns, articles on Tao teachings, stories and translations.

Rising Phoenix Tai Chi & Qigong http://www.shibashi.com
Our aim is to provide information for the exploration and investigation of these ancient Taoist exercise systems for health, meditation & martial arts.

Chinese Culture http://www.openface.ca/~dstephen/chphil.htm
Promoting Taoism as a philosophy.

Barefoot Doctor http://www.barefootdoctorglobal.com/
Pop Taoism? Sort of. Walk the Tao with the Barefoot Doctor.

China, Taoism and Religions http://www.index-china.com/index-english/Taoism%20and%20A%20Few%20Words.html
A philosophy, a religion and the basis for Chinese Medicine, Taoism represents the wisdom accumulated over Chinese history and promotes harmony among beings and nature.

Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/zenstory/zenframe.html
Don't let the title fool you, most of these stories are Taoist.

Daily Tao http://nauticom.net/www/asti/asti.htm
New Taoism quote each weekday plus links to Taoist sites.

Dao House...of discourses and dreams http://www.geocities.com/dao_house/index
Compendium of online Daoist resources. Includes quotations, pages on Laozi, Zhuangzi, metaphysics, history, Yijing, and fengshui.

Tao Webring http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=tao2
Tao Philosophy Sites

Tao Philosophy http://groups.msn.com/Taophilosophy/
Taoist philosophy online community.

Five Sacred Mountains Taoist Kungfu Association http://mywebpage.netscape.com/fsmtkfa/home.html
Organization dedicated to teaching Taoism, Taoist martial arts, and Taoist philosophy.

Tchan and the Phoenix-Friends http://www.tchan.de/phoenix.htm
An introduction in Tchan and Tibetan Taoism. Cha'an and the Melchisedek-Order, to awakening and enlightment.

The Tao House http://gnv.fdt.net/~taohouse/
A conscious community. Modern semi-new-age semi-taoist eclectic view.
Tao's Culture Center http://taosculture.org/
Lectures, seminars, book publishing, and periodicals provided in an effort to propagate Chinese Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

Headless Tao http://www.geocities.com/~jimclatfelter/jimztao.html
A simple poetic interpretation by Jim Clatfelter.

Chad Hansen's Tao Te Ching http://www.hku.hk/philodep/courses/EWEthics/ttc.htm
Chad Hansen's translation of the Tao Te Ching

Stan Rosenthal's Tao Teh Ching http://www.clas.ufl.edu/users/gthursby/taoism/ttcstan2.htm
Introduction and translation by Rosenthal.

Laozi http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/laozi/
An article in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy by Alan Chan of the National University of Singapore on the Dao De Jing: it's origins, various ancient texts and commentaries.

Tao Te Ching http://www.beatrice.com/TAO.html
A modern, humorous and loosely phrased translation by Ron Hogan.

Comments on the Tao Te Ching http://www.friesian.com/taote.htm
Translational information and comparison, based on D. C. Lau's translation.

Daosim Depot http://www.edepot.com/taotext.html
Over a dozen different translations.

Zhongwen http://zhongwen.com/dao.htm
Rick Harbaugh's Chinese text of the Tao Te Ching, hyperlinked to definitions of Chinese characters and to an English translation.

Librarian's Lao-Tzu http://www.geocities.com/onelibrarian.geo/lao_tzu.html
"The Book of the Library and Its Ways" is a humorous interpolation from the viewpoint of a librarian by Andy Barnett.

Crowley's Tao Teh King http://deoxy.org/taowley.htm
Translation and personal introduction by Aleister Crowley.

Tao Te Ching http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/taote-v3.html
Translation by Steven Mitchell.
Tao Te Ching: Classics of Integrity and the Way http://www.sacred-texts.com/tao/taote.htm
James Legge's version.

Dao De Jing - Tao Te Ching http://oaks.nvg.org/re3ra3.html
Interpolation by Tormod Kinnes, based on the English versions of Lin Yutang, Arthur Waley and Wing-tsit Chan.

Exploring Ancient World Cultures http://eawc.evansville.edu/essays/carson.htm
Reflections on the Tao Te Ching, an essay by Mike Carson.

Way and Power Book http://www.san.beck.org/Laotzu.html
By Sanderson Beck, as included in the Wisdom Bible.

Daoism in Brief: Laozi and the Dao De Jing http://www.his.com/~merkin/daoBrief.html
Personal opinions on the text and its author by Maury R. Merkin.

Laozi Debate http://www.archaeology.org/9811/newsbriefs/laozi.html
A 1998 article in Archeology magazine by Spencer P.M. Harrington on the discovery of the Guodian text of the Dao De Jing.

About the Tao http://www.thetao.info
Translations and commentaries on some chapters including Chinese characters for each.

Lao Tzu: Tao Te Ching (100+ translations...) http://www.bopsecrets.org/gateway/passages/tao-te-ching.htm
100+ translations of chapter 1.

Terebess Asia Online http://terebess.hu/english/tao.html
Over 30 translations, including some well-known authors and some new ones.

Pathless path, nameless name http://www.logoi.com/notes/laozi.html
A brief look at translation difficulties with the Dao De Jing.

Heidegger and the Tao Te Ching http://www.ferrum.edu/philosophy/taoteheid.htm
A Brief Comparison of Martin Heidegger's "Being and Time" with Peter Merel's translation by David York.

Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse http://home.pages.at/onkellotus/
91 translations in many different languages, including 35 in English.

Laozi Daodejing http://home.debitel.net/user/wulf.dieterich/index.html
English and German translations featuring Chinese text as GIFs. Each character is linked to a dictionary and includes Seal Script characters.

Laozi (Lao Tzu) http://www.thedrunkenboat.com/laozi.html
Commentaries on the Dao De Jing by Tony Barnstone and Chou Ping, including translations of some chapters.

Hermetica.info http://www.hermetica.info/
An archive of texts translated by Bradford Hatcher.

Tao Te Ching http://tuffley.hispeed.com/tao/
Translation and commentary by an unknown author, compiled by David Tuffey. Chapters are sorted by topic. Provides a downloadable version.

Tao Te Ching - Tattered Tree Trunk https://members.tripod.com/~ladsoft/ttc/
Translation by David Lindauer.

The Tao and the Te http://members.ozemail.com.au/~ddiamond/intao.html
"Fundamentals of Taoism and Mind in General" explores the connection of the Tao Te Ching to neurological patterns in the brain, by C. J. Lofting.

Tao Te Ching Interpreted Succinctly http://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs00s/taote1.php
Based on a translation by Ursula Le Guin, Anthony Judge presents one-line synopses for each chapter. Site also contains extensive commentaries.

The Authorship of the Tao Te Ching http://www.idiocentrism.com/china.author.htm
John J. Emerson explores the possibilities of authorship based on the theories of other philosophers of the time as well as historical events.

The Way of the Universe http://soli.com/dao1.htm
Translated by John Louis Albert Trottier.

Dao De Jing - The Way and its Power http://afpc.asso.fr/wengu/wg/wengu.php? l=Daodejing#a3
Chinese text based on the Wang Bi version. English: Arthur Waley and D. C. Lau. French: Stanislas Julien. German: Richard Wilhelm.

Daozang http://www.daozang.com/daodejing.html
Transcription of Siji Tzu's oral rendition to his students.

Dao Is Open http://www.daoisopen.com/LaozisDaoDeJing.html
Translations with commentaries by Nina Correa. Site also includes the Seal Script characters used in the Guodian Laozi with English definitions, and a Taoist discussion forum.

Tau Teh Ching http://www.wayist.org/ttc%20compared/indexchp.htm
Line by line comparisons of 24 translations of the Tao Te Ching.

New Equations Tao Te Ching http://www.newequations.com/taoteching.html
By Alan Sheets and Barbara Tovey, who have grouped the chapters into nine personality types.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching http://www.tonykline.co.uk/PITBR/Chinese/TaoTeChing.htm
Translation by A. S. Kline.

Welcome The Tao Te Ching http://www.bookmice.net/darkchilde/spirit/tao.html
A work in progress by Darkchilde, including commentaries on various English translations.

The Tao Te Ching http://www.actus.org/laotzu.html
Using the Feng/English version, Masahito Koishikawa compares chapters of the Tao Te Ching with passages from the Bible.

The Tao of Systems http://www.newciv.org/ISSS_Primer/asem02yl.html
"Ancient Systems Thinking in China and Its Application in Chinese Life" by Yi Lin. An essay on scientific applications of the Tao Te Ching to the systematic wholeness of life.

Tao Te Ching - A new Translation by Akrishi http://hk.geocities.com/akrishi0/taotehch/tao.htm
Contains an English translation as well as Chinese characters for each chapter.

Tao Te Ching: Classics of Integrity and the Way http://my.pclink.com/~allchin/tao/contents.htm
A rendition by Douglas Allchin including photographs for each chapter.

Peter Merel's Tao Teh Ching http://www.mindmatters.no/tao/merel/default.htm
Peter Merel's Interpolation of the Tao Te Ching
The Flow and Power of Good http://www.kisa.ca/daodejing.html
The first 10 chapters translated and adapted by Sonja Elen Kisa.

Tao Te Ching http://www.utdallas.edu/~edsha/tao1.html
Translation with some commentary by Dr. Edwin Sha from the perspective of a Buddhist.

Tao Te Ching http://www.nomad.mcmail.com/tao/index.htm
by Andre Gauthier with images by Penny Downes.

Tao & My Music http://www.post1.com/home/chinablue/Taoandmymusic.html
Mark Chan comments on sections of the Tao Te Ching from a musician's perspective.

TrueTao.org / Taoism.net http://taoism.net/enter.htm
A work in progress: translations with commentaries by Derek Lin.

Tao Te Ching (TAO), The Simple Way of Lao Tzu http://www.wingchun.dk/library/laotzu/tao.te.ching.aspx
Translation offered by a Wing Chun Kuen group in Denmark, it is based on the 1924 publication by The Shrine of Wisdom.

Daoist Reflections http://community-2.webtv.net/DaoistReflections/
Sister Nona (a Daoist Nun) uses the Dao De Jing & the elements of Liu I-ming's explication thereof, to create courses in spiritual and ethical development.

Qigong - Publications

The Empty Vessel: A Journal of Contemporary Taoism http://www.abodetao.com/
Articles on qigong. Resources include qigong seminars, books, videos, healing products. Solala Towler, editor. Eugene, Oregon.

Qigong News http://qigongnews.com/
Published via email as a free service to the public to promote awareness of the health benefits of Qigong. Back issues available online. Frances McKenzie, Publisher.

Qi - The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health & Fitness http://www.qi-journal.com/
Traditional Chinese Medicine including acupuncture, qigong, herbs, taijiquan. Free online practitioner listings. Calendar of events. Product catalog. Insight Publishing, Anaheim Hills, California.

Plum Publications http://www.plumpub.com/
Books, tapes, articles on Chinese Arts. Plum Branch Newsletter. Wu-shu, internal work, philosophy, diet. Santa Cruz, California.

Qi Magazine http://www.qimagazine.com/
Michael Tse Qigong Centre publication. Qigong, taijiquan, feng shui. Altrincham, UK and Kirkland, Washington, USA.


Religions: Confucianism & Taoism VHS

Sacred Texts - Confucian Documents - http://www.sacred-texts.com/cfu/
Online texts of the key works of the Confucian philosophical tradition, including the Confucian canon and four of the Five Classics.

Ethics of Confucius, Mencius and Xun-zi - http://www.san.beck.org/EC14-Confucian.html
Chapter from a book by Sanderson Beck. Discusses the life story and teachings of each of these classical Chinese thinkers.

Confucianism - http://www.askasia.org/frclasrm/readings/r000004.htm
A 1982 article by Judith A. Berling, giving a historical perspective on the development of this tradition.

Confucianism - http://www.religioustolerance.org/confuciu.htm
A basic outline of the Confucian tradition, its principles and schools, from Religioustolerance.org.

Confucianism and Ecology: Potential and Limits - http://environment.harvard.edu/religion/religion/confucianism/
Article by Mary Evelyn Tucker. Notes positive and negative aspects of Confucian doctrine with regard to environmental ethics.

Catholic Encyclopedia: Confucianism - http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04223b.htm
An article by Charles F. Aiken from this 1912 reference work. Reviews the key teachings and history of Confucianism, and its relation to Christianity.

Confucianism: An Introduction - http://www.ubfellowship.org/archive/readers/601_confucianism.htm
A brief historical overview of Confucianism and description of basic Confucian beliefs, by Meredith Sprunger. From the Urantia Book Fellowship.

Confucianism - http://www.religion-cults.com/Eastern/Confucianism/confuci.htm
Notes by J. Dominguez on the basic attibutes of this philosophy.

Confucianism - http://philtar.ucsm.ac.uk/encyclopedia/confuc/
Articles on the various historical manifestations of this philosophical tradition. Part of the PHILTAR Overview of World Religions.

Confucianism and Christianity - http://galileo.spaceports.com/~cjhoad/confuciusorguk/cc_intro.html
Short online book, extensively reviewing the relations between these two traditions. By Colin Hoad.

Confucius and the Scholars - http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99apr/9904confucius.htm
Article published in The Atlantic in 1999. Considers the modern revival of Confucianism in the light of recent scholarship which questions Confucianism's historical origins and the appropriateness of "Confucianism" as a general term.

Confucian Education - http://www.csupomona.edu/~plin/ls201/confucian2.html
Article on the historical application of Confucian doctrines to the imperial Chinese educational system.

Confucianism - http://www.gasi.org/diversity/religion/confucian.htm
Brief article noting the compatibility of the Confucian, Buddhist and Taoist traditions.
Confucianism - http://www.crystalinks.com/confucianism.html
An illustrated article reviewing the basic Confucian teachings and the history of Confucianism.

The Cult of Confucius - http://www.hamilton.edu/academics/Asian/TempleCulture.html
Article by Thomas A. Wilson, detailing the historical process by which Confucius and his followers came to be venerated across China.

New Confucian Obstacles - http://weekly.china-forum.org/CCF96/ccf9625/ccf9625-1.html
Short article by Joseph Wang from China Community Forum. Notes three key philosophical obstacles to the modern revival of Confucianism.

Confucianism - http://www.thespiritualsanctuary.org/Confucianism/Confucianism.html
The ideal of conduct, ordering all human relationships and resulting in an ideal social structure and harmony - a famous maxim is: "Never do to others, what you would not like them to do to you."

Urantia Book: Confucianism - http://www.ubfellowship.org/newbook/ppr131_9.html
The summary of Confucian doctrines which is current among followers of the Urantia religion.

Confucianism - http://www.connect.net/ron/confucianism.html
Article drawn from the Encarta encyclopedia, describing the key teachings and various schools of this philosophical tradition.

Confucianism and its Relevance to the Filipino Family - http://www.geocities.com/philodept/diwatao/confucianism.htm
Article by R. Rafael L. Dolor. Argues that Confucian virtues are consonant with Filipino family values.

Center for Dao-Confucianism - http://www.wam.umd.edu/~tkang/
Answers to various questions about Confucian doctrine and its role in the world today.

The Confucian Filial Obligation and Care for Aged Parents - http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/Comp/CompWang.htm
Paper by James Wang delivered at the 20th World Congress of Philosophy. Sets in opposition the Confucian and Western contractarian understandings of family relations.

The First Neo-Confucianism - http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/~nsivin/taixuan.html
An introduction to the early syncretic strain in Confucian thought, as exemplified by Yang Hsiung's "Canon Of Supreme Mystery."

Confucian Teachings - http://www.mindground.net/confucian.html
Links to English commentaries on and translations of Confucian classics.

Confucian Pictures - http://www2.kenyon.edu/depts/religion/fac/Adler/reln471/pix.htm
Pictures from antiquity and the present day relating to the Confucian tradition.

Confucian Business Ethics and the Nature of Business Decisions - http://www.stthom.edu/cbes/jonachan.html
Essay by Jonathan Chan which seeks to show how a Confucian business ethic is possible, despite the Confucian prohibition on profit-seeking.

Confucianism: The Neglected "Eastern Religion" - http://www.muhlenberg.edu/moyer/NEWCONF.html
Essay with annotated bibliography, by Julia M. Hardy. Reviews the Western reaction to Confucian thought, with an emphasis on the contemporary "New Confucianism."

The Song Confucians' View of History - http://www.iun.edu/~hisdcl/h425/songhistory.htm
Outlines the role of historical inquiry in the Confucian thought of the Chinese Song dynasty.

Confucian Teachings Stand Test of Time - http://www.china.org.cn/english/2000/Dec/5153.htm
A year 2000 article from China.org.cn. Describes the contemporary popularity of Confucian studies in China.

Wikipedia: Confucianism - http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confucianism/
Article from this openly-edited encyclopedia.

Class Notes: Confucian Asia - http://www.gened.arizona.edu/harrison/confucianasia/class.htm
Study questions and presentations from an introductory course on East Asian thought.

Confucianism and Confucius - http://www.comparative-religion.com/confucianism/
Commentary, and online texts and resources for the study of this school of thought.

Neo-Confucian Buddhist Debate

East Asian Confucian-Buddhist Debate - http://www.hm.tyg.jp/~acmuller/jeong-gihwa/
Charles Muller's annotated translation of two key texts from the conflict between Buddhists and Neo-Confucians in 14th and 15th century Korea.

Neo-Confucianism - http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~dee/CHPHIL/NEO.HTM
Brief article by Richard Hooker describing the historical context and various schools of Neo-Confucian thought.

Wesleyan Confucian Etext Project - http://sangle.web.wesleyan.edu/etext/cep.html
Project to compile electronic texts of Confucian and related philosophical writings, especially Neo-Confucian writings from the 11th to 18th centuries. Extensive online Chinese-language texts are available.

Japanese Neo-Confucianism - http://www.wsu.edu:8000/%7Edee/TOKJAPAN/NEO.HTM
Article covering the introduction and development of Neo-Confucian teachings in Tokugawa Japan.

Neo-Confucianism - http://faculty.washington.edu/mkalton/NeoConfucianism.htm
Short article by Michael C. Kalton.

The Neo-Confucian Confrontation with Buddhism: A Structural And Historical Analysis - http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-JOCP/chien.htm
A 1988 paper by Edward T. Ch'ien in the Journal of Chinese Philosophy. Notes the ways in which Neo-Confucian teachings and attitudes toward Buddhism changed over time.

Some Ming Buddhist Responses to Neo-Confucianism - http://ccbs.ntu.edu.tw/FULLTEXT/JR-JOCP/yu.htm
A 1988 paper by Chun-Fang Yu in the Journal of Chinese Philosophy, reviewing these replies to Neo-Confucian attacks on Buddhist doctrine.

Confucianism in the Edo (Tokugawa) Period - http://www.willamette.edu/~rloftus/neoconfucianism.html
An overview of the Neo-Confucian doctrines adopted under Japan's Tokugawa Shogunate (1603-1867).

Zhu Xi

Chu Hsi - http://www.noogenesis.com/hsi/Chu_Hsi.html
A summary of this thinker's doctrines and impact on Chinese intellectual history, by Duen Hsi Yen.

Zhu Zi Yu-lei - http://www.wfu.edu/~moran/zzyl_TOC.html
Draft translation of this work by Zhu Xi, presented by Patrick Edward Moran.

Chu Hsi - http://www.humanistictexts.org/chuhsi.htm
A 1922 translation of this philosopher's teachings, by J. Percy Bruce.

Session 104: Zhu Xi (Chu Hsi) Studies: Wrestling with Other Traditions - http://www.aasianst.org/absts/1999abst/china/c-104.htm
Abstracts of several papers presented on this topic in 1999.

Zhu Xi's Views on Human Nature - http://www.iun.edu/~hisdcl/h425/zhuxi.htm
An article by Diana Lin. Emphasizes the Daoist and Buddhist influences in this philosopher's thought.

Chu Hsi and Divination - http://www2.kenyon.edu/depts/religion/fac/Adler/Reln471/Divination.htm
An academic paper by Kidder Smith, Jr., Peter K. Bol, Joseph A. Adler, and Don J. Wyatt. Discusses Hsu Chi's interpretation of the I Ching.

On Zhu Xi's Theory of Mind and Methods of Self-Cultivation - http://www2.kenyon.edu/depts/religion/fac/Adler/reln471/Chu-mind-self-cult.htm
An excerpt from the 1990 book Sung Dynasty Uses of the I Ching.


Tasan Chong Yagyong (1762-1836) - http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Sven.K.Herbers-Lee/dateien/tscyy.html
Bibliography of primary and secondary sources in Eastern and Western languages.

Review of Chông Yagyong: Korea's Challenge to Orthodox Neo-Confucianism - http://koreaweb.ws/ks/ksr/ksr98-11.htm
Review by John L. Goulde, reprinted from the 1998 Acta Koreana. Discusses the significance of Tasan's "classical learning."

Jeong-Dasan Historical Site - http://www.nyj.go.kr/template/user/eng/culturetour/experience/experience01.jsp
Short biography and pictures of his gravesite, from the Namyangju City government.

Chong Yak-yong "Tasan" - http://www.pennfamily.org/KSS-USA/korean-on-stamp-2.html
Excerpts from several sources putting this scholar in historical context.

Tao-In: Regaining A Youthful Body VHS

Zhongguo Daojiao = Chung Kuo Tao Chiao = China Taoism

Taoism Depot (Daoism Depot) - http://www.edepot.com/taoism.html
Taoist site for beginners and practicianers alike. A collection of Tao Te Ching translations and a discussion forum for those interested in the subject.

Chad Hansen's Chinese Philosophy Page (Taoist Interpretations) - http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/
This site contains segments of an extended interpretive theory of Classical Chinese philosophy that takes Taoism as the philosophical center. The interpretive theory turns on a new, more philosophical reading of the Taoist philosopher Zhuangzi (ChuangTzu).

The Abode of the Eternal Tao - http://www.abodetao.com/
A collection of information on contemporary Taoism.

Taoism and the Philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan - http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Philosophy/Taichi/taoism.html
A summary of the growth of Taoism and information on deities and major figures in both religious and philosophical Taoism.

Taoism - Beliefnet.com - http://www.beliefnet.com/index/index_10037.html
Multifaith website, providing information, articles, and other interactive resources. Includes basic information, audio clips, and discussion topics.

Taoism -Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/taoism/
Taoism, one of the two great religious/philosophical systems of China, defined.

Taoist Culture and Information Centre - http://www.eng.taoism.org.hk/
Taoist philosophy, current events, culture and religion.

Taoism at religioustolerance. - http://www.religioustolerance.org/taoism.htm
Includes an overview of Taoism and its history.

Taoist Restoration Society - http://www.taorestore.org/
Nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring and preserving China's Taoist heritage. Resources on practical Taoist living in the modern world. Discussion boards.

Center of Traditional Taoist Studies - http://www.tao.org/
Site dedicated to practical application of Taoism.

Healing Tao USA Site - http://www.healingtaousa.com/
Healing Tao USA is a private Educational Trust. It operates Healing Tao University and the HealingTaoUSA.com website and fulfillment center that sells a wide variety of Tao products.

Taoism: The Temple of the Immortal Spirit - http://www.thetemple.com/
Features translations, resources, and general information. (slightly graphics heavy)

Western Reform Taoist Congregation - http://wrt.org/
Western Reform Taoism movement in America.

Panlatrevo - http://www.panlatrevo.com/
Religious philosophy resources and discussions on religion, spirituality, atheism and freethought. Centers on Taoist philosophy.

Daoist Philosophy - http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/Daoindex.html
Various Taoist thoughts and philosophical discussion.

Taoism and the Arts of China - http://www.artic.edu/taoism/menu.php
Art Institute of Chicago presents Taoism, history, and related historical works.

Taoism Initiation Page - http://www.taopage.org/
Online teachings about Taoism, and related concepts such as yin-yang, ziran, wu-wei and the I-ching.

The Spirit of Zeros and Ones - http://www.zeeone.com/
Dedicated to the natural world, contains randomized poetry and essays all in the spirit of the philosophy of Taoism and the I Ching.

Siu Tao - http://english.siutao.com/
Exploring the Tao. Includes both philosophical and religious Taoism as well as a discussion forum.

The Spiral Vortex - http://www.avellunau.com/Taoism/
Gives and introduction to Taoist philosophy.

MSB Academy: Taoism - http://www.flowinghands.com/mbs_htm/mbs.taoism.htm
The natural is the essence of all that must be known, and the place where all must return.

Taoism for Teens - https://www.angelfire.com/wa/tao4teens/
How Taoism can help you live a happier teenage life, and continue the happiness throughout your life.

The Daoism-Taoism Philosophy - http://www.daoism.net/
The Taoism Philosophy is the Tao (Way) of Lao Tzu professed in his only book which is commonly known as Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing)

Taoism and the Taoist Arts - http://www.taoistarts.net
A general introduction to Taoism and related arts, such as T'ai Chi, Meditation, Martial Arts and Herbalism.

Center for Daoist Studies - http://www.daoistcenter.org/
Mission statement, reading list, handbooks, articles, and links.

Universal Society of the Integral Way (USIW) - http://www.usiw.org/
Seminars and books on Taoist internal arts and qigong. Regional Teaching Centers list. Hua-Ching Ni, founder.

Taoism- Serenity Found - http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Village/3200/intro.html
Taoist thoughts and reflections on life.

True Tao Home Page - http://www.truetao.org/
I-Kuan Tao in English, Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and other great philosophers, monthly columns, articles on Tao teachings, stories and translations.

Rising Phoenix Tai Chi & Qigong - http://www.shibashi.com
Our aim is to provide information for the exploration and investigation of these ancient Taoist exercise systems for health, meditation & martial arts.

Chinese Culture - http://www.openface.ca/~dstephen/chphil.htm
Promoting Taoism as a philosophy.

Barefoot Doctor - http://www.barefootdoctorglobal.com/
Pop Taoism? Sort of. Walk the Tao with the Barefoot Doctor.

China, Taoism and Religions - http://www.index-china.com/index-english/Taoism%20and%20A%20Few%20Words.html
A philosophy, a religion and the basis for Chinese Medicine, Taoism represents the wisdom accumulated over Chinese history and promotes harmony among beings and nature.

Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors - http://www.rider.edu/users/suler/zenstory/zenframe.html
Don't let the title fool you, most of these stories are Taoist.

Daily Tao - http://nauticom.net/www/asti/asti.htm
New Taoism quote each weekday plus links to Taoist sites.

Dao House...of discourses and dreams - http://www.geocities.com/dao_house/index
Compendium of online Daoist resources. Includes quotations, pages on Laozi, Zhuangzi, metaphysics, history, Yijing, and fengshui.

Tao Webring - http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=tao2
Tao Philosophy Sites

Tao Philosophy - http://groups.msn.com/Taophilosophy/
Taoist philosophy online community.

Five Sacred Mountains Taoist Kungfu Association - http://mywebpage.netscape.com/fsmtkfa/home.html
Organization dedicated to teaching Taoism, Taoist martial arts, and Taoist philosophy.

Tchan and the Phoenix-Friends - http://www.tchan.de/phoenix.htm
An introduction in Tchan and Tibetan Taoism. Cha'an and the Melchisedek-Order, to awakening and enlightment.

The Tao House - http://gnv.fdt.net/~taohouse/
A conscious community. Modern semi-new-age semi-taoist eclectic view.

Tao's Culture Center - http://taosculture.org/
Lectures, seminars, book publishing, and periodicals provided in an effort to propagate Chinese Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism.

Farewell My Concubine
 (1993)  DVD  To Live The Last Emperor (1987) VHS
Original Release Date: December 18, 1987

Living Tao's AM/PM Chi 2 volume set (1999) VHS
Original Release Date: 1999

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